Thursday, March 24, 2011

Communist Godzilla V. Capitalist Godzilla

The Cold War, perhaps one of the most terrifying times to live on the Planet Earth, every day in this era the world could have come crashing to a sudden and abrupt halt.

(You Know because of nuclear holocaust)

Thankfully it did not. Now we can look back and laugh at every near catastrophic event and enjoy propaganda generated by decades of mutual hatred. Including the question of whether or not the giant lizard monsters of East Asia would be capitalists or communists.

(King of Monsters? or Evil Capitalist oppressor of monsters?)

So most folks know of Godzilla, or as he is affectionately known in Japan as God. However, not many people know about the socialist Pulgassari. The monster who stood for the North Korean communist regime.

(the face of communism?)

So Pulgasari could shoot things out of his mouth like Godzilla, fought against evil Korean Kings and was made out of rice, and activated with the blood of imprisoned Korean women. Seriously, I'm not making up any of this shit. Check out this video depicting everything I just told you.

Now, I'm not a communist, or a socialist but shouldn't we be asking ourselves why Godzilla is so upset all the time with the other monsters? After all have you ever seen Godzilla just relaxing with one of them, or quietly passing them? The answer is no. He constantly comes to the aide of his Japanese handlers who only tell him to fight. So what does Godzilla do, he fights the monsters until they are defeated then they are shipped off to Monster Island. Where they waste away in a nature preserve, that oddly resembles a prison.

(Monster Island Correctional Facility)

So what do the other monsters fight for? Equality, social justice, or the ability to live normal monster lives? Godzilla allows none of this, instead he is the King of Monsters, and he rules with an iron fist.

 (fought for stricter nuclear waste control, and lost)

So in short, is Godzilla really the King of Monsters or is he just another dictator propped up by the west during the cold war? I'll let you decide.

Thanks for reading, that's all for today.

Today's song of the day

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The things that have quenched my thirst lately

Good Morning, I hope the end of March has been treating you all well. Hopefully you got to check out that gigantic moon the other night. As of late I have had a hard time thinking of what to write, then suddenly last night it dawned on me. Beer, but not just any beer rather the beer that is currently occupying my refrigerator.

Imperial Java Stout by The Santa Fe Brewing Co.

This beer truly lives up to the name stout. It is thick with very heavy coffee notes and some chocolate notes to it as well. This beer is not only full bodied but it also has quiet a bit of alcohol at 8%. It goes amazingly well with any sort of sweet dessert.

Cutthroat Porter by Odell Brewing Co.

This brew company has caught my eye with the labels on their bottles. If the rest of their beers are like Cutthroat Porter then I will be in for a real treat as I make my way through the rest of their beers. This beer had some coffee, and some chocolate notes to it. It went well with the Carne Asada I fried up. The beer is not as full bodied or as alcoholic as a stout, yet is much more complex then a lager.

Thanks for reading, that's all for today.

Today's song of the day

Monday, March 7, 2011

The second greatest beverage ever made,

Coffee, the fourth most widely consumed beverage on earth behind water, tea, and beer. It is however the only stimulant in the list. The origins of coffee remain shrouded in mystery. However, what we do know of were this wonderful bean came from is that is came from Ethiopia.

(this is Ethiopia)

Some of the original myths of how coffee was discovered include goats, birds, mystical wizards, and monasteries. Coffee made its way out of eastern Africa to the Arabian peninsula via modern day Yemen, then slowly through modern day Turkey, Iran and eventually the rest of the Muslim world. Eventually Venetian traders brought coffee from the Ottoman Empire to the Italian peninsula, at which point it became very popular with the local aristocracy. What ensued was a great debate over whether coffee was acceptable for consumption by Catholics. Eventually coffee was not banned by Pope Clement VIII and began to make its way throughout Europe being introduced into different royal courts.

(patron saint of coffee?)

The world suppliers of coffee would change hands many times. The Dutch were the first who truly cultivated coffee in a plantation style by teaming up with some native Indians to beat the Portuguese off of the subcontinent of India. As a reward the Dutch were given coffee trees that they took back to Amsterdam and began growing them in greenhouses. Eventually the trees also made it to the island of Java where the Dutch implemented  plantation style growing and soon began supplying Europe with Java coffee.

(use this contraption called a french press)

As we all know coffee would soon come to the New World through Gabriel De Clieu who planted the newly arrived coffee trees at Martinique in 1720. Eventually coffee would flourish in the Western Hemisphere and dramatically change the course of history in some Western countries. It has been said that the terrible conditions on coffee plantations was a reason the Haitian revolution occurred.

(Gabriel De Clieu)

We can now enjoy more coffee then ever thanks to establishments like Starbucks, and all of your local coffee houses. Enjoy a cup iced or hot, black or mixed with all kinds of stuff in it.

That's all for today, thanks for reading.

Today's song of the day

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The greatest beverage ever made.

Beer has been considered essential to the development of society. In the history of man only water and tea exceed beer in consumption but neither match the research and hard work in regards to preparation and cultivation. The earliest records of beer production date back to 3500 BC, and could possibly date back to the early neolithic period.

(The first drinking game)

Today we can enjoy more beer then ever, from pilsners to stouts there has never been a better time to join the near eternal fraternity of beer consumers. So here are my suggestions for a few beers.

1. Shiner Bock

 A favorite for a warm day, which we have plenty of here in New Mexico. It is a darker beer brewed in the heart of Texas. The taste is very enjoyable and pairs well with greasy bar-b-que. It has a distinctly charred caramel taste that is more similar to an old world style 
beer then a new world. For the price it is worth sipping on not chugging. Cheers!

2. Bitburger

A great German beer a perfect example of old world pilsners. It has an exceptionally clean finish that goes well with any kind of good German food especially curry wurst. It can now be found in most American liquor stores and is well worth the extra import cost. So if you want one just say bitte eine bit! (One bit please) Prost.

3. Big Flats

May I begin off with a defense of Big Flats beer. As a poor college aged person this is truly a godsend. It is true it comes out to 50 cents a can, it is true it is not the best beer on earth, and it is true that it is well worth 50 cents a can! I mean seriously you just can't beat 50 cents a can. Not only that but it is much better then most American lagers especially Keystone and Budweiser. This beer is solely responsible for many good times, but it is definitely not made for sipping. For the beer lover on a budget this is for you. It is still beer not malt liquor so get this instead of that nasty stuff. It is excellent for such past times like beer pong, and other games were a cup or two might end up on the floor. Seriously 50 cents! (and by 50 cents I don't mean the mediocre rapper) CHUG!

4.Dos Equis

My last name couldn't be Garcia if I didn't include at least one Mexican beer in this post. So with that said here it is Dos Equis, for the chap that doesn't go for the tequila when in Mexico this is your alternative to Corona and Tecate. Dos Equis is a very good example of a New World style lager slightly skunky when warm and very fruity when cold it goes well with some salt and lime. Try some with some tacos de buche or some carnitas. You will be amazed the refreshing crisp taste that this beer has. Salud

5. Happy Camper IPA

 The can, just look at the can it is cool. I have never been a big fan of India Pale Ales, but this one is very good. It is not over overbearingly hoppy like some ipas but it is extremely refreshing but still lingers the way an ipa does. For anyone looking for a vegative hoppy beer this is for you.

That's all for today, Thanks for reading.

Today's song of the day.

Friday, March 4, 2011

My Home

This is my home the city of Las Cruces, New Mexico. The city's  name translates into the crosses named after the crosses that were erected for those killed by native raiding parties. The earliest western settlers to the Messilla Valley where Las Cruces is located came with Don Jaun de Onate in 1598AD.

(this is what the dude looked like)

After the Spanish claimed the area which was still more under Apache control then Spanish control the Mexicans in Mexico declared independence then Las Cruces became part of the First Mexican Empire.

(original Mexican flag)

After some time as part of the Mexican Empire the city of Las Cruces eventually became part of the United States after the Mexican-American War. The army helped design some of the original parts of town which is why Las Cruces unlike many other towns has an excellent grid system with the streets. Now Las Cruces hosts many different people with New Mexico State University, and NASA facilities the city has drawn many engineers and scientists to the area.

 Go Aggies! The city has also drawn many invasive species as well like retired people due to the city's high altitude and warm temperatures. This has led to the development of several golf courses and other things old folks like to do. The golfing and hiking benefit everyone though.

(The Invasive Species)

All in all though Las Cruces is a very nice place to live, the people are very friendly the food is very good, and the beer is also very good especially at High Desert Brewery. While staying anywhere in New Mexico you will be introduced to green chili the states greatest export. We put it on everything from Cheese Burgers to Vodka! It is a staple here in the Mesilla Valley. I would recommend that you come visit us here in the Mesilla Valley where the chili is hot and the air is warm.

(Picacho Peak and the Rio Grande)

Thanks for reading, that's all for today.

Today's song of the day

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Case against the Chihuahua breed

I like dogs growing up we always had a dog. Certain breeds were essential in herding, guarding, and life saving operations. However, not all breeds are equal. This brings me to my next point, what is the Chihuahua? Rodent, canine, or is it some unholy mix of the two? The Chihuahua serves no purpose other then stealing oxygen from other mammals including you and I.

(and pushing Taco Bell's mystery meat)
I want to know what the original chihuahua breeders were thinking when they bred the first ones. Did they look on in horror as the mongoloid rat dog moved? What we do know of the origins of this dog is that it came from Mexico. So it could have been the result of breeders drinking to much tequila. After all we tend to make the worst of decisions when drinking that strong spirit. Now all dogs should be treated humanely however, we must ask ourselves is it humane to let the breed populate and corrupt the rest of the dog gene pool? After all haven't you seen some horrid terrier chihuahua mix at one point in time.


Unfortunately, dogs lack the critical thinking capability to not breed with these hideous beasts. It is our responsibility as dogs masters to immediately halt the breeding capability of these mongoloids. It is of course a humane thing to do as well if you have ever seen a Chihuahua in the flesh you will notice that they are constantly shaking. Is it from exposure to the elements? Or is it some sinister breed quality? Then of course there are the millions in dollars the government has to spend on ankle replacement surgery for victims of vicious chihuahua attacks. Either way it would be best to at the least spade and neuter the whole population.

Thanks for reading, that's all for today.

Today's song of the day

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So the Oscars were a few days ago?

So apparently the Oscars were a few days ago. I didn't get a chance to watch it but it did inspire to make a list of movies that are pretty good.

                                                      1. Rushmore

Perhaps Wes Anderson's best film, Rushmore follows Max Fischer the self crowned king of Rushmore academy. His exploits are well documented in this satirically humorous film. The plot revolves around a fight over Rosemary Cross a new teacher at Rushmore. I highly suggest you watch this movie.

2. Boiler Room
 A summertime favorite, for my work associates and my self. To make a quick synopsis the movie revolves around Seth Davis the main character is a college dropout who runs a backdoor casino out of his apartment. When approached by a couple of stock brokers to come work for them he jumps on the opportunity. What ensues is a mix of ultra aggressive sales tactics and memorable quotes, ultimately culminating in the downfall of the firm. Also the soundtrack is amazing featuring such artists as A Tribe Called Quest, The Notorious BIG, and Pharoahe Monch.

3. Battle Of Algiers

This is a great movie especially if you have ever studied revolutionary history or the history of North Africa. The movie originally commissioned by the Algerian government shows the war of Algerian independence from the French colonialists  from both the Algerian revolutionary stand point and the French forces stand point as well. The movies message of war's horror is uncannily repeated in the days headlines that we see today. Although this movie is older it is truly enjoyable especially for folks who like history.

Check out these movies if you haven't had a chance. They are all very good movies. Thanks for reading

Today's song of the day

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hello March

Good morning to everyone, I hope your day is being spent well. Last night I made a really good vegetable curry dish it was pretty awesome, it ended up looking like this
If you can't make it out that's potato and carrot on rice with a thick curry sauce on top. It's pretty easy to make all you need is,
  • One Large Onion
  • One Head of Garlic
  •  1/4 cup of minced Ginger
  • 1 Bell Pepper, or 2 Jalapeno peppers
  • Two large potatoes
  • 1/2 Cup of turmeric
  • Cooking oil
  • three sticks of celery
  • three carrot sticks
  • 2 TBS of curry powder
  • 2 Large Tomatoes
  • Pepper & Salt to taste
Mince all the garlic, ginger, onion and bell pepper or jalapeno, toss all that stuff into a large pot with about a 1/4'' of oil saute until onion is translucent. While you are sauteing these veggies add a little salt and pepper. At the same time cut the potatoes into 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch pieces place these in a large bowl. Cut the celery and carrot into 1/4'' to 1/2'' pieces as well, place in same bowl as potatoes.
In large bowl coat the potato, celery and carrot with turmeric the whole bowl should still be dusty from this spice when done, and the potato should have a yellow tint to it. By this time the onions in the pot should be translucent, at this point add the potato, celery, and carrot, it may be necessary to add more oil depending on the depth of the pot you've used. Let cook until potato is tender.
While the potato, celery, and carrot is cooking chop your tomatoes into 1/4'' pieces. When the potatoes are tender add the tomatoes and curry powder (*if you desire you can also add some cayenne pepper at this point as well use as much as you want*). Stir often your curry should be done in about five minutes. You will know when the curry is done because the tomato will have completely broken down into a delicious curry sauce.
Serve over rice with a few sprigs of cilantro as garnish. Enjoy!

That's all for today Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy the curry

Today's song of the day