Monday, May 2, 2011

Why I am still a supporter of our president.

It would seem as though politics in America has turned dirty over the past few years. Between tea party activists and folks who just plain don't believe our president is American. If there was ever proof that our president has done a good job it came last night. With God's good grace and divine intervention a very bad person died at the hands of American soldiers. Never before have I felt so happy to hear of a mans death. Let us take this time to remember that while we ask for frivolous things from our elected officials they truly have great things at task. It may take time to get the things that we want but these things come in time, just as the big things.

So let us celebrate our nations great victory. Let us remember that no matter what our politics, or political parties dictate our elected officials still work very hard to provide for the general welfare, and security of the American populous. Furthermore, let us go forward throughout the day with a renewed sense of hope and pride for the future of our great nation and for ourselves.
(Obama got Osama)

In short God Bless America.

That is all for today, thank you for reading.

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