Monday, May 9, 2011

A Very Katy Perry Sunday

Alrighty then, so yesterday. The epic day of Katy Perry Arkansas Radio. While the title of today's post may sound cryptic it truly is not. So now that I am working with Northstar for the summer my free time has come down to Sundays and weekends. So yesterday we decided to go run errands and get food. Did I mention yesterday was Mother's Day. So we began off with brunch at Gaucho's in Chenal. For those of you not familiar with the Little Rock area that is in the "classy" part of town. Were the people were there finest camouflage and tuxedo T-shirts.

(Average Family in Chenal)

The crazy thing is that on the way to brunch Katy Perry was playing on the radio. I'm not quiet sure what song was playing but I do know that my roommate Cipriano both loves and adores Katy Perry's work. So the sing along soon ensued. After Brunch we made our way to hunt down some Vibram five finger shoes.

(Yes. This is what we looked for)

The strangest thing happened though, again Katy Perry was blasting on the radio. It took a few moments to comprehend what was going on. My first thought was that somehow a Katy Perry album had been smuggled into the vehicle. No this would be to convenient. No somehow there was a tear in the fabric of both space and time that made the radio stations of little rock play nothing but Katy Perry on Mother's Day. So again the sing along ensued. Once the shoes, or as I affectionately call them, ninja killing footwear were procured we left back to the apartment, or as I call it the Snake Pit.

(My Apartment)

Eventually we ended up at the Flying Saucer which has the most amazing selection of beer I have ever seen in my life. Beer from all over the world and awesome happy hour pricing ensued. Again though on the way down town who was playing. Katy Perry, three times in a day this was most definitely a sign. As to what it means I have no clue. The night ended at a fine establishment down the road from the Flying Saucer, with delicious buffalo chicken quesso dip and a few more beers before we made our epic voyage back to the snake pit. On the way though back to the van we ran into a crackhead.
(What Crackhead looked like)

He offered us some crack. We declined and sped home, you will never guess what was playing on the way back home though. If you guessed Katy Perry you are very right. Needless to say if I ever hear Katy Perry playing on my day off again, I will personally drive to the radio station it is being played at and beat the DJ.

From Humid Arkansas,

That is all for today thanks for reading.

Today's song of the day

Did I mention we watched Life Aquatic!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why I am still a supporter of our president.

It would seem as though politics in America has turned dirty over the past few years. Between tea party activists and folks who just plain don't believe our president is American. If there was ever proof that our president has done a good job it came last night. With God's good grace and divine intervention a very bad person died at the hands of American soldiers. Never before have I felt so happy to hear of a mans death. Let us take this time to remember that while we ask for frivolous things from our elected officials they truly have great things at task. It may take time to get the things that we want but these things come in time, just as the big things.

So let us celebrate our nations great victory. Let us remember that no matter what our politics, or political parties dictate our elected officials still work very hard to provide for the general welfare, and security of the American populous. Furthermore, let us go forward throughout the day with a renewed sense of hope and pride for the future of our great nation and for ourselves.
(Obama got Osama)

In short God Bless America.

That is all for today, thank you for reading.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The land that has no menudo! (my hungover journey)

Arkansas, land of delicious BBQ, awesome fried pies, Johnny Cash, and Bill Clinton. One would think a place that has been responsible for more clogged arteries then Burger King would know a thing or two about menudo. Unfortunately it does not, my first Saturday night in Arkansas was spent with friends drinking Amberbock beer and sake.

(Good Beer)

The beer most of us could handle, but the sake... Well that's another story all in itself. After all, it comes from a place that worships a gigantic lizard monster who shoots lasers from his mouth. In short it is devastating. I digress though, after last night we came back to the apartments to sleep, and sleep we did. Then the sun came with all of it's horrible, horrible light. So with the days vengefull light and rain, I went forward into an unforgiving Arkansas Sunday, first bit of bad news of the day. No liquor sales on Sunday, therefor no mimosas with breakfast. Second aweful piece of news, no menudo anywhere!

(when you take the worst parts of all animals you get amazing soup)

I'm not going to lie I felt like crying... What you have to understand is menudo is the cure to the common hangover. It cures headaches, stomach aches, dry mouth, and replaces the taste of blood, and stripper with the taste of delicious chilli. In affect it gives you a second set of intestines to help digest all of the alcohol and other bad things that are in your body.

(Headache, symptom of hungover)

So I have learned my lesson, no more drinking in Arkansas. There is no menudo...

That is all for today, Thanx for reading.

Today's song of the day