(Original Settlers of Alamogordo AKA Gypsys)
The day has been long but enjoyable, it has been spent eating pig, cow, chicken, and several other animals. The food prepared by the mother, and grandmother was spectacular. Needles to say both my sister and I have gorged ourselves on tasty animal ribs, and cheesy potato.
(The Sister, one of five; very obvious descendant of original gypsy founders.)
So all in all the day was good, we ate good food. Enjoyed some zombie movies, and avoided arguing all day! Now on to other topics, like the beer I've been drinking lately.
Arrogant Bastard Ale
(Are you truly worthy?)
Ok, we've all seen this bottle you know which one I'm talking about the big bottle, the one that is kind of... well you know over compensating for something. Well I tried this behemoth a few days ago and it is truly not as scary as people made it out to be. My first thoughts when viewing the bottle were something like
"Holy shit the devil brews beer now! I have to try it."
After carefully listening to people compare a bottle of this to a can of Four Loko, I was mentally preparing myself for what was to be one of the most drunken nights of my life....
It was all hype. After about a half an hour of sipping on it I began waiting with baited breathes for the ensuing debauchery to begin. It failed to arrive, not only that but after the whole bottle I felt a strange feeling in my mouth. The feeling? Cotton mouth, yes the plague of stoners had somehow entered my body. Overall the beer was good, hyped up for supposed demonic properties but still good. It was a full bodied beer with almost no hopp notes and an extremely dry finish. It is most definitely worth trying when someone else is willing to buy it. So the final conclusion for Arrogant Bastard Ale is simple, if you are willing to dish out almost ten dollars for a bottle to look like a bad ass in front of other people without actually getting drunk, you are worthy. If you are not though then you and your money are not worthy of the ensuing cotton mouth that goes hand in hand with the devils brew.
Thanks for reading, that is all...
Today's song of the day
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